Dr. Aminur Rahman
Dr. Aminur Rahman

MBBS,MS,  Advanced training on paediatric ophthalmology (NIO&H)

schedule image
Appointment Hours
  • Sunday
    03:30 PM - 09:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    03:30 PM - 09:00 PM

ডক্টর আমিনুর রহমান স্যার রমজান মাসে দুপুর 2টা থেকে বিকাল 4:30 পর্যন্ত চেম্বার করবেন

For Appointment

Contact our friendly call centre representatives any day with any general or medical questions.
(8:00 AM - 10:00 PM)


Personal Info

  • Specialties

    Pediatric Ophthalmologist,

  • Degrees

    MBBS,MS,  Advanced training on paediatric ophthalmology (NIO&H)

  • Education

    MBBS,MS,  Advanced training on paediatric ophthalmology (NIO&H)

  • Role

    Dr Aminur Rahman    

    Asst  register,  Department  of pediatric opht,National  institute  of ophthalmology.  Pediatric ophthalmology Consultant & Phaco Surgeon, Vision Eye Hospital
    Pediatric  ophthalmology, adult strabismus & Phaco Surgery 

  • Clinical Area

    Squint , ROP, pediatric cataract, adult cataract, congenital glaucoma. Pediatric refraction, 
    Refractive Surgery: ICL and 
    Cataract Surgery: Phaco Emulsification And SICS (all age group including complicated cataract) with Monofocal, Aspheric, Multifocal, Trifocal, Toric IOL & EDOF IOL

  • Chamber

    Vision Eye Hospital

  • Membership

Book An Appointment

Please feel free to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.