Dr. Md. Tangil Ahmed
Dr. Md. Tangil Ahmed


schedule image
Appointment Hours
  • Saturday
    10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Monday
    10:00 AM - 08:00 PM

ডক্টর তানজিল আহমেদ স্যার রমজান মাসে সকাল 11 টা থেকে দুপুর 3:00 টা পর্যন্ত চেম্বার করবেন

For Appointment

Contact our friendly call centre representatives any day with any general or medical questions.
(8:00 AM - 10:00 PM)


Personal Info

  • Specialties

    CATARACT, Vitreo-Retina, LASIK, General Ophthalmology,

  • Degrees

    MBBS, MS- Ophthalmology
    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University 
    Fellow- Phaco Surgery (INDIA, BD)
    Fellow- Medical Vitreo Retina
    Assistant Professor
    Kumudini Medical College & Hospital
    Consultant Ophthalmologist

  • Education

    MBBS, MS Ophthalmology (BSMMU)
    Long-term fellowship in Vitreo-Retina(VEH)

    Advanced training in Phaco Surgery (India)
    Vitreo- Retina Specialist
    Retina, Laser & Phaco Surgeon

  • Role

    Assistant Professor Department Of Ophthalmology, Kumudini Women's Medical College.
    Vitreo Reina Consultant & Phaco Surgeon, Vision Eye Hospital

  • Clinical Area

    Vitreo-Retina: Retinal detachment, Medical Management Of Diabetic Retinopathy, Surgical Management Of Diabetic Retinopathy, Intravitreal injection in Retinal diseases, Laser in Retinal diseases.

    Refractive Surgery: ICL / IPCL Implant, 
    Cataract Surgery: phaco Emulsification (all age group including complicated cataract) with Monofocal,
    Aspheric, Multifocal, Trifocal, Toric IOL & EDOF IOL

  • Chamber

    Vision Eye Hospital

  • Membership

    International society of manual small incision cataract surgeons

Book An Appointment

Please feel free to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.